PTO Notes: March 2015



The school years continues to fly by and we find ourselves in March… already!! We have another busy month ahead of us at Robert Crown. Here’s what’s on deck:

  • Kindergarten Pre-Registration is Monday, March 2 from 6-7:30 p.m. Parents that have children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2015, and who live within the boundaries of Wauconda CUSD 118, are eligible to register for the 2015-16 school year.
  • Our Spring Fundraiser also kicks off on March 2 and runs through March 16. This year we are trying something different, offering a catalog featuring flowers, bulbs and seeds that will be delivered in early May — in time for our regional planting season and Mother’s Day!flower-power
    If you are not interested in the flowers, we are also offering a No Hassle option, where families can donate money directly to Robert Crown PTO. Through this fundraiser, we hope to raise $6,000 to purchase a new electronic sign for outside our school. The kids are especially excited about this fundraiser, because the top sellers in each grade level will get to help duct tape Mrs. Diol and Miss Picchetti to the wall! Look for information to come home in backpacks this week!
  • Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough order pick-up is Tuesday, March 3 from 3:45-6 p.m. in the Cafeteria.
  • The March PTO meeting is Wednesday, March 4 at 9:30 a.m. in the Teacher’s Lounge. We hope to see you there!
  • The Spring Spirit Wear Sale also begins on March 4 and runs through March 18. A new selection of items will be available to order online or using the flyer that will be sent home this week.
  • Manna Gift Card orders are due on Wednesday, March 11 and will be delivered on the following Wednesday, March 18.
  • Market Day orders are due Thursday, March 12 and will be available for pick up on Monday, March 16.
  • shamrockDon’t miss Shamrock Gym Night on Friday, March 13!! It’s a fun family event with games and activities, and everyone’s favorite — the gym maze!! Look for information to come home with all of the details soon!
  • Ice Cream Sales and Spirit Wear Day are on Friday, March 20, just before we all head off for a well-deserved Spring Break!

spring break

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